drunk driving accident attorney
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drunk driving accident attorney

Although standard car accidents are traumatic enough on their own, those involving a drunk driver are even more damaging.

The recklessness of a drunk driver not only results in more serious crashes but also catches people off-guard.

We know people drive drunk, but there is little you can do to foresee the erratic behavior of an intoxicated driver.

If you or a family member was injured in a crash due to a drunk driver, a New Jersey drunk driving accident lawyer from Wiley Lavender Maknoor, P.C. is here to help.

DUI Accident Statistics for New Jersey

Despite all the attempts to crack down on drunk driving, it’s still a major problem in New Jersey.

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were 547 fatal accidents involving drunk drivers in New Jersey in 2020. That’s nearly a 4.5% increase in DUI-related fatal crashes from the previous year.

In addition, one in four drunk drivers involved in these accidents had a blood alcohol content (BAC) of more than .08 g/dL, which is above the legal limit.

This far surpasses the percentage of drivers with a BAC above the legal limit involved in crashes between 2016 and 2019. 

So, how does this compare to overall accident statistics in the state?

About 1.5% of fatal accidents in New Jersey during 2020 had a reported drunk driver. That’s slightly more than one fatal DUI crash per 100 fatal accidents.

Finally, out of all counties in New Jersey, the three with the most DUI-related fatal crashes were Middlesex County, Essex County, and Burlington County.

What You Should Do If Hit by a Drunk Driver

In most car accidents, there is a certain protocol one must follow to start building a claim.

However, drunk driving accidents are a little different.

Since the behavior of an intoxicated driver is unpredictable, possibly even hostile, here are some tips to follow if you get into an accident with one:

  1. Do not engage with the drunk driver. Drivers under the influence of alcohol sometimes try to flee the scene or harm other drivers. In this case, stay put in your vehicle with your doors locked.
  2. Call the police. Immediately call 911 if you suspect the other driver is drunk or injured.
  3. Document evidence. If possible, take pictures of the accident, including your own injuries. This is important if the drunk driver decides to leave.
  4. Seek medical attention. Even if you don’t have an obvious injury, get checked by first responders. The adrenaline rush following an accident often masks injuries.

Once you follow these steps, the next best course of action is to contact a drunk driving injury attorney. 

Why We Recommend Contacting a New Jersey Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer 

Claims against drunk drivers aren’t as straightforward as other accidents. Sometimes, the driver flees the scene before you can identify their vehicle or license plate.

Other times, they may try to avoid any lawsuits against them. In this scenario, we highly recommend speaking to a New Jersey drunk driving accident attorney.

They can help locate potential witnesses, find possible sources of compensation, and advocate for your recovery.

Injured by a Drunk Driver? Speak With an Experienced Drunk Driving Lawyer in NJ

At Wiley Lavender Maknoor, we know that drunk driving accidents are often devastating for victims.

Whether it’s prolonged trauma or disability, we believe victims deserve justice after such a reckless action.

To schedule a free consultation with a New Jersey drunk driving accident lawyer, call us at 732-494-6099.