When business relationships fall apart, disputes that ordinarily could have been resolved with a discussion and a handshake often wind up in court.

In that case, you may require the services of New Jersey litigation attorneys. Commercial litigation attorneys in NJ can help you untangle the personal from the professional and get your business back on track.

The experienced New Jersey litigation attorneys at Wiley Lavender Maknoor, PC, are here to help you navigate business disputes in and out of the courtroom.

As talented litigators and negotiators, we understand that successfully resolving a dispute sometimes means staying out of court entirely.

What Is Commercial Litigation?

“Commercial litigation” generally means any type of litigation related to a business dispute. Issues that commonly fall under the commercial litigation umbrella include:

  • Breach of contract issues
  • Employment law issues
  • Customer, vendor, and supplier disputes
  • New Jersey Consumer Fraud Act litigation
  • Collections
  • Construction defects, defaults, and other construction litigation

This is not an exhaustive list, and many issues unique to your business could send you looking for a litigation attorney in NJ.

The experienced commercial litigation attorneys in New Jersey at Wiley Lavender Maknoor can help you understand your business’s obligations and rights when commercial disputes arise. 

Whether you are the head of a large corporation, a partner in a small company, or a member of a limited liability company (LLC), if you are facing a dispute that requires filing or defending a lawsuit or demand for arbitration, the Wiley Lavender Maknoor team can help. Contact us for a free case consultation today.

Why Would You Need New Jersey Litigation Attorneys?

Having a litigation attorney in NJ on your side in a business dispute can provide you with powerful tools to help protect your business interests.

For example, one of the most common types of commercial litigation is a breach of contract litigation.

Contracts are often open to more than one interpretation, and breaches can be common when the parties disagree on the meaning of their contract language.

An attorney can help you build a stronger argument in favor of your interpretation.  

Even if the Wiley Lavender Maknoor team diligently prepares your contract, your counterparty may still choose to interpret the contract language in an unexpected way.

Because the Wiley Lavender Maknoor team has both alternative dispute resolution and courtroom experience, our team first tries to resolve commercial issues through negotiation.

However, if a settlement can’t be reached, our team is not afraid to zealously pursue courtroom solutions for our clients.

For these reasons, having New Jersey litigation attorneys on your side can lead to a better outcome in commercial litigation.

How Wiley Lavender Maknoor Can Help Your Small Business

As your hometown New Jersey law firm conveniently located in Metuchen, we represent individuals and businesses throughout the state of New Jersey.

Our New Jersey litigation lawyers combine legal skills, business experience, and aggressive advocacy to achieve our clients’ commercial litigation objectives.

We work hard to assert our client’s rights and minimize their liabilities in litigation relating to contracts, sales, transportation, purchases, and all areas of commerce.

Contact us today for a free case consultation.