Protecting Your Space with the Middlesex County Divorce Lawyers at Wiley Lavender Maknoor, PC
| Read Time: 2 minutes | Divorce

As society’s understanding of relationships and trust has evolved, so has our understanding of fidelity. Among other elements, romantic relationships consist of both physical and emotional intimacy—and just as partners can cheat physically, so can they emotionally.

Therapists and counselors call emotional infidelity “micro-cheating” to differentiate it from physical infidelity. However, the former can inflict just as much damage as the latter on an otherwise healthy marriage. Our Middlesex County divorce lawyers at Wiley Lavender Maknoor, PC, have helped guide our clients through emotional divorces. We can help you today.

What Is Micro-Cheating?

When a partner engages in micro-cheating, they engage in a set of behaviors that indicate an emotional distraction from their primary romantic relationship. While subtle and easily dismissed, these actions can erode trust and intimacy between partners over time.

Examples of micro-cheating include regularly checking another person’s social media profiles, flirting with a coworker or friend, secretly sending private messages, and disguising someone’s contact information.

Even without rising to the level of a physical affair, these actions can create emotional distance, arouse suspicion, and lead to more significant issues down the line.

Why Is Micro-Cheating Harmful?

Micro-cheating can break down the fundamental trust between partners, as one’s presumably minor indiscretions can lead to feelings of betrayal and insecurity in the other. This erosion of trust can jeopardize all healthy communication.

Moreover, micro-cheating can easily evolve into more significant infidelities, as it sets a precedent for dishonesty and secretive behavior.

How Can I Identify Micro-Cheating in My Relationship?

To identify the possibly of micro-cheating in your marriage or romantic relationship, ask yourself the following questions. Has your partner become secretive or defense about their phone or social media use? Have they started to interact increasingly more with one individual? Do you feel uneasy about their behavior for no identifiable reason?

If your answer to any of these questions is yes, consider having a candid conversation with your partner about your concerns.

How Do I Deal with Micro-Cheating?

Never address your suspicions of micro-cheating with aggression or accusations. Grabbing ahold of these concerns requires honesty and transparency; when you sit down with your partner for an open discussion, express why their behaviors make you feel uncomfortable, and listen to their perspective.

During this conversation, establish or reestablish clear boundaries regarding your interactions with other people—and if your discussion reveals deeper issues in your relationship, take time to reflect if you are meeting each other’s needs and expectations.

Sometimes, a conversation like this requires outside intervention; if this sounds like your situation, consider seeking the help of a professional relationship counselor who can help you rebuild trust and improve communication.

Protecting Your Space with the Middlesex County Divorce Lawyers at Wiley Lavender Maknoor, PC

Unfortunately, some couples find that the issues created by micro-cheating lead to irreparable damage. In these cases, you may want to contact a compassionate and seasoned divorce attorney to guide you through the complexities of divorce proceedings. The Middlesex County divorce lawyers at Wiley Lavender Maknoor, PC, can help protect your rights and shoulder the legal burden of divorce so that you can focus on healing. If you would like to receive a free consultation on your case, call our Metuchen, New Jersey, office at 732-494-6099, or fill out our online contact form. We serve clients throughout Middlesex County, Monmouth County, Union County, and Somerset County with compassion and experience.

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