how much is back injury worth after car accident
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how much is back injury worth after car accident

When someone has been involved in an accident, there are a lot of variables that go into answering the question, How much is a back injury worth?

Things that can affect the amount of compensation you might be entitled to include past and present medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages.

However, if you or someone you know has been injured in a car accident, it is best to contact an experienced personal injury attorney, like one of ours at Wiley Lavender Maknoor, who can help you figure out what your back injury claim is worth. 

What Factors Determine the Value of a Back Injury? 

While the exact amount of what a back injury claim is worth will depend on the individual circumstances of a case, there are a few factors to take into consideration during a trial or settlement negotiations. 

If someone was in an accident, these considerations include: 

  • Medical expenses
  • Severity of the injuries
  • Physical and emotional distress
  • Missed work or school
  • Lost wages
  • Pain and suffering
  • Property damage
  • Lost experiences or opportunities

There may be other types of damages you could also receive.

Your attorney will examine the individual circumstances of your case to calculate what your back injury claim is worth. 

Common Types of Back Injuries from Car Accidents

Car accidents can be emotionally and physically strenuous. Back injuries are common following even minor vehicular collisions.

For example, whiplash, which can occur from abrupt stops or impacts, can lead to more serious spinal conditions over time.

Furthermore, more severe accidents can lead to serious or permanent back injuries, including vertebrae fractures, back or spinal sprains, discogenic pain, and degenerative spinal disorders.

If you have been in an accident and have symptoms like muscle spasms, tingling, pain, or numbness, you should seek medical treatment and contact a personal injury attorney immediately. 

How Much is a Back Injury Worth in a Car Accident? 

So, how much is a back injury worth? In New Jersey, there is no exact formula for determining this if you were in a car accident.

However, a skilled personal injury attorney can help you get the most compensation for your accident-related back injury.

In New Jersey, some of the factors that can impact a monetary award include: 

  • The extent of your injuries
  • Who is at fault in the accident (and to what degree)
  • Insurance limits

Your personal injury attorney will help you navigate these factors.

How Can Wiley Lavender Maknoor Help? 

If you or someone you know has been in a car accident and has a resulting back injury, the car accident attorneys at Wiley Lavender Maknoor can help you seek justice and compensation.

We aggressively advocate for our clients’ interests. And our extensive trial experience can help you get the most out of your claim so that you or a loved one can focus on getting healthy instead of dealing with complex injury claim matters.

Our injury attorneys are available for a free remote consultation, so reach out by phone or contact us online today. 

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