motorcycle accident causes
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motorcycle accident causes

Motorcyclists are some of the most vulnerable individuals on the road.

In the United States, it is estimated that motorcycle riders are 28 times more likely to die in a collision than a passenger in a vehicle. 

In 2018, out of the 564 people killed in motor vehicle accidents in New Jersey, 53 of them were motorcycle fatalities.

The most common causes of motorcycle accidents reported in the state of New Jersey included unsafe speeds, driver inattention, and improper passing.

Drivers operating under the influence are also a serious contributor to motorcycle accidents, particularly in New Jersey. 

If you or someone you know has been injured in a motorcycle accident in New Jersey, you should contact an experienced personal injury attorney immediately.

Skilled personal injury attorneys, like ours at Wiley Lavender Maknoor, can help you seek compensation and justice for a motorcycle accident that was not your fault. 

What Are the Most Common Causes of Motorcycle Accidents?

As mentioned previously, the main causes of motorcycle accidents in New Jersey are unsafe speeds, driver inattention, and improper passing.

The injuries that result from these accidents are often severe, as the chance of serious bodily injury while riding a motorcycle is extremely high relative to other types of vehicles. 

However, contrary to common beliefs, it is more likely that a reckless driver of a passenger vehicle was at fault in a given motorcycle accident.

To prevent these types of accidents, it is important for both motorcyclists and drivers to follow state and local driver safety laws.

For motorcyclists, this includes wearing a New Jersey Department of Transportation-approved helmet. 

Alcohol-Related Motorcycle Accidents in New Jersey

One of the most staggering statistics related to causes of motorcycle accidents involves alcohol-related crashes.

In 2020, 38% of motorcycle accident deaths involved at least one driver that had been drinking.

This is a problem that is especially relevant in New Jersey, which was ranked among the top ten states with the most alcohol-related motorcycle deaths in 2020. 

Drunk drivers are one of the most frightening common causes of motorcycle accidents. Motorcyclists should be especially cautious about other drunk drivers and driving under the influence themselves.

For motorcyclists specifically, alcohol and drugs can impair your ability to operate a motorcycle.

Intoxicating substances that affect your coordination may make it more difficult to change gears, balance, and use the throttle.

If you or someone you know was injured by a drunk driver, the attorneys at Wiley Lavender can help you seek justice. 

The Personal Injury Lawyers at Wiley Lavender Maknoor Can Help 

Each state has its own laws surrounding motorcycle accidents and the proper procedures to seek compensation for any injuries.

Wiley Lavender Maknoor is made up of experienced personal injury attorneys that can help you or someone you know follow these procedures and get the most compensation possible.

Please contact us online or give us a call so that we can give you a free consultation about your motorcycle accident.

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